Saturday 12 January 2013

Jewel Green Engine Reno - 1

For some time now, in fact the last year, the Capri has been leaking oil quite badly. From all my investigations it would appear to be the engine rear oil seal so it was a major job & one that I have kept delaying. In addition to that, on several occasions I have noticed blue smoke coming out the exhaust & I put that down to overfilling the sump. Also the clutch has been rattling & lastly, the gearbox has never had synchro on first gear. So, a few things needed to be done & these all required the engine & gearbox to be removed. Two years ago when I first did up the JG Capri I spent a lot of time on the top of the engine but didn’t ever attempt a full engine overhaul.
Anyway, all my delaying tactics were jolted when I saw that Super Cheap was advertising a 1250kg engine crane for $190 or half price. The car Gods were giving me a message! What a good Father’s Day present! So after spending a morning putting it together I had no real excuses. This is the monster that really started it all!

I actually started.  I spent a fair bit of time ensuring that I could get the engine out of the car with the crane whilst it was under my house. All my calculations indicated that it would be fine. So, then to finding the best lifting points & I decided to go for the front inlet manifold bolt & the rear exhaust manifold bolt. Before I did anything else, we took the compression readings for all cylinders. The back three all registered about 120 & the front cylinder was a bit less than 100. Not real good! That means new rings will probably be necessary but we will wait & see. Next came out all the hoses, radiator, carbie linkages & then both the manifolds. I decided to take the engine & gearbox out separately as I was concerned about the angle & height in doing both at the same time. Maybe, I just should have removed them together. When I was at the stage of hoisting the engine out, the first problem appeared. Even with the boom fully extended, the crane legs would not quite fit under the stabiliser bar so I had to jack up the car & put it on stands. With the help of my neighbour, KH, the engine finally came out & with the help of the crane, it was quite easy.

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