Yesterday, the Capri Club held its annual Christmas Break-Up at Harrigan's Tavern, Calypso Bay, Jacobs Well. It is a great spot to have such an event as it is right beside the water and there is plenty of room for the cars to be displayed. We only had eight capris of various models this year but 30 members & partners enjoyed the occasion. Best Capri & V6 went to Ray's beautiful RS3100, best 4 cylinder went to Matt's red Mk1 and best SA went to Greg, who had the only entry! It was even a pretty cool day by Queensland standards so it was even pleasant driving the Capris. I took my white XL & was really pleased how it went. The new tyres seem to have made quite a difference & it cruised along the motorway at 100 kph with no vibrations or wanderings. A good day was had by all. We shared the venue with the AC Cobra Club so I have included several photos of their large gathering.
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